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needham research institute中文是什么意思

用"needham research institute"造句"needham research institute"怎么读"needham research institute" in a sentence


  • 李约瑟研究所


  • Needham research institute
  • What are his views on the current situation and future of the needham research institute
  • Succeeding joseph needham and ho peng yoke , in 2003 christopher cullen became director of the needham research institute
  • In the form of a memoir , this autobiography is well worth reading , for it contains a great deal of first - hand information concerning the overseas studies on chinese science and technology over the past fifty years , but also because of ho ' s close relationship with joseph needham and the needham research institute , and in addition because it presents a full picture of his own remarkable character
用"needham research institute"造句  


The Needham Research Institute or NRI, located on the grounds of the Robinson College, in Cambridge, England, is a center for research into the history of science, technology and medicine in East Asia. It is part of the University of Cambridge.
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